четвер, 8 жовтня 2020 р.

Pace work(word building)9.10

Тема:  Читання голосних звуків.

                                            Хід уроку.

T: Good morning children.  How are you?

 In this lesson we will learn the rules of reading the vowel sounds .

Мовленнєва зарядка.

T:  What day is it today?

      What is it date today?

Фонетична зарядка.

T: Let’s review the sound [ e ]

Sound “e” 

An exit, east, an eraser, an elephant.

a. You look for this sign when you want to leave a building. _____(exit)

b. The large grey animal we see in the zoo is called an __________      ( elephant)

c. You use this when you make a mistake with your pencil. _____(eraser)

d. Which direction is missing? North, South, West  ,___________         ( East

Основна частина уроку.

1.Введення правил читання голосних звуків .

T: the first vowel is long, the second vowel makes no sound.

f.e. toe, horse, pore, bore, store, feel, need, seen.

The vowel o at the beginning of these words has he long sound.

f.e. or, organ, old, open.

or in a word sometimes sounded o.

f.e. short, report.

A vowel at the end of  word is long.

f.e. he, me, we.

T: translate the words according to their meanings.

Toe - means a part of the foot.

Horse- means a large, strong animal.

Pore – means a little hole in the skin.

Bore – means to make a hole by turning a tool.

Feel- means  touch something with your hand.

Seen – means has looked a.

Or – means to give a choice.

Organ – means a body part with a special task to do.

Old – means not young.

2.Виконання лексичних  вправ.

       T: 1. print the words for these pictures.

2. Draw a line under the right answer.

( Horses, House, Hose) can work on a farm.

Father will 9 bore, boor, boar) into he wood.

Will Christi eat an apple ( or, ore, oar)  pear?

My eye is an ( orgin, organe, organ) to help me see.

This ( own, old, over) man is kind.

Ace will shut the ( opal, opera, open) door.


T: Stand up clap clap

     Arms up clap clap

     Step step arms down

     Clap clap please sit down.

Самостійна робота.

T: make up the sentences using these words and write down them in your exercise books. You have 5 minutes.

Заключна частина.

1.Підведення підсумків уроку. Today we have learnt the rules of reading the vowel sounds. What did you remember about this? Give me the examples.

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