четвер, 6 травня 2021 р.

Pace work(Word building)7.05

Тема: Іменник. T: Good morning children. I am glad to see you. How are you? T: In this lesson we will learn about the Noun. ⦁ Фонетична зарядка. T: Let’s review the sound [w] Repeat after me: When, what, Willie, why, where. Why do you cry, Willie? Why do you cry? Why? Willie? Why? Make up the sentences with these words. ⦁ Основна частина уроку. 1.Введення поняття про іменник. T: Noun is the part of speech that names a person, place or thing. A noun can function as a subject, object, complement, appositive, or object of a preposition. Common noun is the name of a group of similar things (table, book, window...)  Proper nouns, however, refer to the name of a single person, place or thing (John, Joseph, London...) 2. Виконання вправ. T: Let’s do exercises. T: Underline the nouns in the sentences. T: Underline the common nouns with a blue pen, proper nouns with the red. 3.Фізкультхвилинка. T: Stand up clap clap Arms up clap clap Step step arms down Clap clap please sit down. ⦁ Робота в групах. T: divide into two groups. Write down in two columns the common and the proper nouns. The first team will be the winner. ⦁ Заключна частина. 1.Підведення підсумків уроку. T: Today we have learnt about the nouns. What is a noun? 2.Оцінювання. 3.Повідомлення домашнього завдання.T: Your homework is to learn the rules.

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