понеділок, 30 листопада 2020 р.

Дистанційне навчання(English) 1.12 урок в Zoom




Children,for today you were to learn words by heart(p.27)

(T.asks each student the words they prepared)


Ex.1 p.28

Match the rooms to the pictures

Ex.2 p.28

In which rooms can you see the following?

(students make up their own sentences using the words below)

eg.I can see a dishwasher in the kitchen etc.


Ex.3 p.28

Listen to Stella and compare the description with your room-tell the class.

Hometask:Ex.2 p28-divide and write the words under 3 headings Furniture-Appliances-Other(write in your copybooks)

Pace Work(English) 1.12


     Тема: Голосні звуки.


T: Good morning pupils. I am glad to see you. 

Teacher: Today we will learn about the  vowels.

Warm-up . Введення в іншомовну атмосферу.

How are you?

What day is it today?

What is your favourite day?

Who is on duty today?

Who is absent today?

Фонетична зарядка.

T: repeat the sound [k]

A kite, a kitchen, a cat, a book.

Make up the sentences with these words.

Основна частина уроку.

Подання нового матеріалу.

Teacher: Vowels  are divided into monophthongs and diphthongs.

[ i: ] eat [ ei ] lake

[ i ] it [ ai ] like

[ e ] pen [ au ] house

[ æ ] bad [ ɔi ] boy

[ a: ] art [ ou ] home

[ ɔ ] box [ iə ] ear

[ ʌ ] cup [ ɛə ] air

[ u ] cook [ uə ] poor

[ u: ] school [ juə ] Europe

[ ju: ] tune [ aiə ] fire

[ ə: ] girl [ auə ] hour

[ ə ] paper [ ɔ: ] all

Виконання вправ.

     Teacher: Pupils now please let’s do exercises in you paces.

      Underline the vowels in the words.

       A table, a cap, beautiful,  a mother, a cat, a rabbit, a pen, favourite, a girl, a paper, poor, an hour.


Stand up clap clap

Arms up clap clap

Step step arms down

Clap clap please sot down

T: today we have learnt about the vowels. Name the all vowels in English language.

Домашнє завдання.

                 T: Your homework for tomorrow is to do exercises in your books.

неділя, 29 листопада 2020 р.

Дистанційне навчання(English) 30.11



Pre-reading Ex.1 p.26

Look at the pictures.Match the pictures with the correct answers.

Reading “The Bubble house''p.26-27

Ex.2 p.26 Listen and read

 to find out:

Where is this house?How many rooms are there in it?

Ex.3 p26 Read the text and match the paragraphs to the headings.

Read and translate the text.

Vocabulary (Check these words)


Write these words and their translations into your vocabularies.

Hometask:Ex.4,5 p.27-write in copybooks,learn new words.

Pace Work(Math) 30.11

Тема: Рахування у стовпчик.


T: Good morning pupils. I am glad to see you.

Повідомлення теми, мети і завдань уроку: In this lesson, we will learn about counting in a column. We will learn the rules.

Мовленнєва зарядка

Warm-up. Введення в іншомовну атмосферу.

What day is it today?

What is the date today?

Do you like today’s weather?

What is your favourite weather? 

4.Фонетична зарядка.

T: Let’s review Sound / e/

Repeat the words after me.

  A cat, A mat, fat.

  A fat Cat

A fat cat

Sat on a mat

And ate a fat rat

Повторення теорії.

Teacher: What do you know about counting in a column? 

                 How do you count the numbers in a column?

                 What does it mean “to borrow”?

Виконання вправ на рахування у стовпчик на час.

Teacher: Count please in a column as quickly as you can.



Stand up clap clap

Arms up clap clap

Step srep arms down

Clap clap please sit down

Teacher: Fill the blanks.






Повідомлення домашнього завдання.

                                  T: your homework is to learn the rule.