середа, 29 квітня 2020 р.

Pace work(Social studies)30.04

Тема: Риси характеру.

T: Good afternoon, children! I'm glad to see you! How are you?

T: We are going to learn about traits of character and at the end of the lesson you will present your oral reports. Let's get started! 

T: What day is it today?/ What is the weather like today? /Do you like such weather?

What season is it? What can you do in summer/winter/autumn/spring?

  1. Введення та активізація нових лексичних одиниць з теми

Pre-reading activities:

T: Let`s learn new words: traits of character-риси характеру, kind-добрий, honest-чесний, positive-позитивний, negative-негативний, ambitious-амбіційний, foolish-нерозумний, evil-злий, funny-кумедний.Тема: Риси характеру.

T: Good afternoon, children! I'm glad to see you! How are you?

T: We are going to learn about traits of character and at the end of the lesson you will present your oral reports. Let's get started! 

T: What day is it today?/ What is the weather like today? /Do you like such weather?

What season is it? What can you do in summer/winter/autumn/spring?

  1. Введення та активізація нових лексичних одиниць з теми

Pre-reading activities:

T: Let`s learn new words: traits of character-риси характеру, kind-добрий, honest-чесний, positive-позитивний, negative-негативний, ambitious-амбіційний, foolish-нерозумний, evil-злий, funny-кумедний.

While-reading activities:

T: Sometimes people look nice and kind but when you get them to know better and closer you find out that you are mistaken about them and their character is not so nice. Some people just pretend to be good. There are negative traits of character and positive traits of character. Positive traits of character are: brave, brainy, diligent, funny, energetic, honest, kind, loving, optimistic. Negative traits of character are: harsh, gloomy, lazy, bossy, boorish, afraid, selfish, wicked. We like people with positive traits of character because they present warm and quiet.

Post-reading activities:

T: Put the right word on the blank:

There are … ( bad, negative, funny) traits of character and positive traits of character.

Some people just pretend to be … (good, bad, foolish).

Positive trait of character is… (selfish, brave, harsh).

Negative trait of character is… (harsh, energetic, kind).

T: And now, answer my questions:

What traits of character do you have?

What is better, positive traits of character or negative traits of character?

What traits of character has your friend\mother\father\sister?

Thank you! The lesson is over

вівторок, 28 квітня 2020 р.

Pace work(Science)29.04

Тема: Дерева

T: The topic of our lesson is called “Trees”. We are going to learn new words, to read the story about trees and at the end of the lesson you will present your oral reports. Let's get started! 

Study new words : harmful rays-шкідливі промені, shade-тінь, trunk-стовбур, branch-гілка, twig-гілочка, leaf-листок, needle-голка, redwood-секвоя.


T: Get ready to read the story about trees. Be very attentive because I will ask questions!


 Trees are an important part of our daily lives. Trees make our environment beautiful with their different colours, flowers and shapes and they provide us with shade and relief from the sun's heat and harmful rays. Trees are very important to us! Like many plants, a tree begins from a seed. All trees have roots, which extend into the soil and have two important jobs to do: they anchor the tree to the ground so that it can stand upright, and they absorb water, minerals and nutrients from the soil. The trunk of a tree supports the branches and transports water and minerals from the soil to the rest of the tree. Branches grow out from the trunk and have twigs at the tips. These twigs are the growing ends of the trees. They also transport water and minerals from the trunk to the leaves and needles. Trees can be of many types and kinds. In the USA there are many redwood trees. They are very old and tall. They are very huge. 


T: Excellent job! Now, put the right word in the gap:

  1. Trees are an important part of our daily..... 

  2. Trees make our environment beautiful with their different colours, flowers and shapes and they provide us with …. and relief from the sun's heat and …... 

  3.  Like many plants, a tree begins from a …... 

  4. All trees have ….. 

  5. Branches grow out from the …... and have …... at the tips.

  • What are the parts of a tree?

  •  What trees are there in the USA?

Thank you! The lesson is over you !

понеділок, 27 квітня 2020 р.

Дистанійне навчання(28.04)

Topic: Weather and Clothes.

Good morning, children! Let`s sing a weather song!

Watch the video about weather forcast.
Answer the questions.
1. What is the weather like in Canada?
2. What is the weather like in the South America?
3.What is the weather like in Asia?
4. What is the weather like in America?

Watch the video and review clothes vocabulary.

Hometask: WB Ex. 2 p.90

Pace work(English)28.04

Theme: Поняття про речення


T: At this lesson we are going to learn about the sentence in the English language.  

Введення в іншомовну атмосферу

T: What day is it today?/ What is the weather like today? /Do you like such weather?

What season is it? What can you do in summer/winter/autumn/spring?


1. Ознайомлення із поняттям речення

T: Children, look at the table on the blackboard, please. 

  • Complete sentences

A sentence must name a person or a thing.

A sentence must tell what the person or thing is or does

Ex: Kate is running to the park.

  • Capitalization and Punctuation

Every sentence must begin with a capital letter.

A telling sentence ends with a period.

An asking sentence ends with a question mark.

A sentence that shows strong emotions ends in an exclamation point. 

Let's practise. Look at the sentences and correct mistakes. 

1. she goes to school every day.

2. my mother is a doctor?

3. they like swimmimg.

4. boby is my friend?

5. Do you go to school!

6. Is she a teacher.

Thank you! The lesson is over

неділя, 26 квітня 2020 р.

Дистанційне навчання(English)27.04

Grade 3

Topic:Weather and clothes

T:Hello,children!How are you today?Hope that everything is fine!

Today we are going to learn some new words:(ex.1, p158)



Fancy dress-маскарадний костюм




Семантизація лексики(ex.2 p.158)

A fairy-tale-казка

A character-персонаж

Read and write the translation of the sentences in your exercise-books(Прочитайте та запишіть переклад речень у зошит)

Listening and reading(ex.3 p.159)-Послухайте та прочитайте діалог.


Homework:WB ex.1  p.90-розв’язати кросворд.

Вивчити назви одягу та аксесуарів

Pace work(Math)27.04

Тема: Додавання і віднімання розрядних чисел

Хід уроку

T: The theme is called “Place values”. We are going to solve some word problems and do some tasks and at the end of the lesson you will present your oral reports. Let's get started!

Мовленнєва зарядка 

T: What day is it today?/ What is the weather like today? /Do you like such weather?

What season is it? What can you do in summer/winter/autumn/spring?

 Ознайомлення із додаванням і відніманням розрядних чисел

T:  Children, look at the picture on the blackboard. You know that there are ones, tens, hundreds. These are called collectively PLACE VALUES. Read, please: place value, ones, tens, hundreds, thousands, millions. 

 Let's practise a little. Name the place values

1. 932

6. 789

2. 567

7. 1234

3. 1283

8. 3456

4. 1734

9. 546

5. 456

10. 761

Розв'язування задач різними способами

T: Now, let's solve word problems. 

1. A shopkeeper bought 240 eggs and sold 148 eggs. How many eggs were left unsold?

2. An animal care society tested 356 pet animals. 127 were infected by diseases. Find the number of healthy pet animals that participated in the medical tests.

3. In an annual celebration, 674 students participated. Of them, 392 were boys. Find the number of girls who participated.

4. Director James directed a film which ran for 248 minutes. During the editing process, 109 minutes were removed. What is the final running time of the film, after editing?

5. Mark has a book which contains 649 pages. He has already read 495 pages. How many pages are unread? 

T: You were very active today! Thank you! 

четвер, 23 квітня 2020 р.

Дистанційне навчання(English)24.04

Grade 3

Topic:Weather and clothes

T:Hello,children!How are you?Hope,that you’re fine!

Today we are going to learn grammar material:The degrees of comparison of adjectives(ступені порівняння прикметників).Watch the video:


Now lets read ,translate and learn the examples:Ex.1a,b) p.155-156

Tall(високий)-taller(вище)-the tallest(найвищий)

Big(великий)-bigger(більший)-the biggest(найбільший)

Writing.Choose one adjective from poin B p/155-156 and write sentences with all the forms of this adjective.(Оберіть будь-який прикметник та складіть 3 речення з 3-ма формами цього прикметника)


This car is new.That black car is newer than the red one.The grey car is the newest of all these cars.

Reading:Ex.2 p.156 Read and translate the dialogue and find forms of adjectives there.


 Ex.3 p.157 Fill in the correct form of an adjective and write the sentences in your exercise-books(Вставити вірну форму прикметника у речення та записати речення у зошит)

Pace work(Word building)24.04

Тема: Семантизація лексики із буквосполученням lp

T:Hello, children! I'm glad to see you! How are you?Hope you are great!

T: The topic of our lesson is called: The letters lp in the words. We are going to learn how to read the words with the letters lp.

IV. Фонетична зарядка 

T: Children, look at the card. What sound is it?

P1: It is [b].

T: You are right! Now, name as many words with this sound as you can.

T: It's time for a tongue twister!Repeat the words after me: blake, baker, black. Now, repeat the tongue twister all together/ one by one. 

Blake the baker bakes black bread. 

1. Ознайомлення з теоретичним матеріалом

Repeat the words after me: help, gulp,sculpt, dolphin, alphabet

3. Виконання вправ

Now, every pupil  should circle only words with letters lp. 

Variant 1

Variant 2

Ball, pulp, lemon, sculpt, dolphin

Alphabet, till, gulp, hill, help

T: Today we have learnt about the letters lp in words. Name the words that we have learnt. 

T:  Thank you for the lesson! Good bye!

середа, 22 квітня 2020 р.

Pace work(Social studies)23.04


Тема: Книга


The topic of our lesson is called “Books”. We are going to learn new words, to read the story about books. Let's get started!

 Фонетична зарядка

T:Now, name as many words with this sound[f] as you can.

T: It's time for a tongue twister!Repeat the words after me: flat, flounder. Now, repeat the tongue twister:

Try fat flat flounders.

1. Введення та активізація нових лексичних одиниць з теми

T: Lets learn some new words on topic Books:adventure-пригода, fairy tale-казка, space-космос, underwater life-підводне життя, toss-підкидувати, throw-кидати, make dog-ears-згинати куточки, character-персонаж, take care of-піклуватись про когось.

 Активізація навичок читання


T: Children, do you know the rules how to handle books?


Now,  read the story about books. Be very attentive because you will do some tasks after reading the story.

Books Are Our Friends

  All over the world people love reading. When you read a story or a fairy tale, you always become a part of adventure. You can visit a far away country, travel into space and learn the secrets of underwater life. You can travel in the past with the main characters of history novels. You can have fun with people who live in comic books. Books are our friends. They teach you about the surrounding world. They teach you how to make friends. Books are good helpers. So, help books too. Don't take books if you have dirty hands. Keep books in dry, safe place. Do not toss or throw them. Don't tear pages or make dog-ears. Take care of books. 

  Post Reading

T: Now, put the right word in the gaps:

1. All over the world people love …..

2. When you read a story or a …..., you always become a part of adventure.

3.You can visit a far away country, travel into..... and learn the secrets of..... life. 

4. You can travel in the past with the main …..of history novels.

- What do books teach us?

- How can we help books?

T: Today we have learnt about books. Name the words that we have learnt. 

Thank you for the lesson!Good bye!


Тема: Книга


The topic of our lesson is called “Books”. We are going to learn new words, to read the story about books. Let's get started!

 Фонетична зарядка

T:Now, name as many words with this sound[f] as you can.

T: It's time for a tongue twister!Repeat the words after me: flat, flounder. Now, repeat the tongue twister:

Try fat flat flounders.

1. Введення та активізація нових лексичних одиниць з теми

T: Lets learn some new words on topic Books:adventure-пригода, fairy tale-казка, space-космос, underwater life-підводне життя, toss-підкидувати, throw-кидати, make dog-ears-згинати куточки, character-персонаж, take care of-піклуватись про когось.

 Активізація навичок читання


T: Children, do you know the rules how to handle books?


Now,  read the story about books. Be very attentive because you will do some tasks after reading the story.

Books Are Our Friends

  All over the world people love reading. When you read a story or a fairy tale, you always become a part of adventure. You can visit a far away country, travel into space and learn the secrets of underwater life. You can travel in the past with the main characters of history novels. You can have fun with people who live in comic books. Books are our friends. They teach you about the surrounding world. They teach you how to make friends. Books are good helpers. So, help books too. Don't take books if you have dirty hands. Keep books in dry, safe place. Do not toss or throw them. Don't tear pages or make dog-ears. Take care of books. 

  Post Reading

T: Now, put the right word in the gaps:

1. All over the world people love …..

2. When you read a story or a …..., you always become a part of adventure.

3.You can visit a far away country, travel into..... and learn the secrets of..... life. 

4. You can travel in the past with the main …..of history novels.

- What do books teach us?

- How can we help books?

T: Today we have learnt about books. Name the words that we have learnt. 

Thank you for the lesson!Good bye!

вівторок, 21 квітня 2020 р.

Pace work(Science)22.04

Тема:Насіння і квіти


T: Hello,children!Hope you are fine!

T: The topic of our lesson is called “Seeds and flowers”. We are going to learn new words, to read the story about the seeds and flowers.

3. Активізація навичок читання


T: Get ready to read the story about seeds and flowers.But before it watch the video:


Seeds and Flowers

 The seed is the embryo of a plant. Sort of like a baby plant. Seeds come in all sizes shapes and colors depending on the type of plant. Inside the seed is a plant embryo, food for the embryo, and a seed coat to protect it. Seeds may be dispersed by a number of ways including air, water, and animals. Some seeds are light and have hairs or wings that help them to float in the air. Other seeds can float on the water and disperse by riding on rivers and streams. Still other seeds have tasty fruit that animals eat and then get dispersed in the animals' droppings. Flowers are the reproductive organs of the flowering plant.


T: Excellent job! Now, put the right word in the gap:

  • The seed is the..... of a plant.

  •  Sort of like a …. plant. 

  • Seeds come in all sizes, …..and …..depending on the type of plant. 

  • Inside the seed isa plant embryo, food for the embryo, and a seed coat to...... it.

  • Flowers are the …............of the flowering plant.

  • What are seeds?

  • What are flowers?

  • How can seeds be dispersed?

1. Підведення  підсумків уроку

T: Today we have learnt about seeds and flowers. Name the words that we have learnt. 

понеділок, 20 квітня 2020 р.

Дистанційне навчання(English)21.04

Grade 3

Lesson 13

Topic : Weather and Clothes.

Hello, pupils! How are you? Today we are going to speak about weather and weather forecast.

1. But firstly let`s review words which you have learned before.

Listen to the weather song.


Do the test.


2. Read the text Ex.3 b) p.150 .

3. Answer the questions Ex.4 p.150.

4. Ask and answer the questions Ex.5 p.151.

5.Listen and say the poem Ex.6 p.151


  Hometask: WB. Ex.2 p.86

Pace work(English)21.04

Тема: Власні назви.

Хід уроку

T:Hello, children! How are you?/Hope you are fine!    

T: At this lesson we are going to learn about the proper nouns in the English language.  

IV. Фонетична зарядка 

T: It's time for a tongue twister!Repeat the words after me: round, run, rug. Now, repeat the tongue twister all together/ one by one. 

Round and round the rugged rocks the ragged rascal ran. 


1. Ознайомлення із власними назвами

T: There are proper and common nouns in the English language. 

Proper nouns name a special person, name or thing. They begin with a capital letter. 

For example: names – Ann, Mary, Peter

names of animals – Baba, Toto, Fluffy

names of cities – London, Washington D.C., Kirovograd

names of countries – Ukraine, the USA, the UK

names of rivers, lakes, mountains – The Thames, the Mississippi, the Dniper, the Carpathians 


Now, let's practise. Every student gets a card with proper and common nouns. You should find the proper nouns and rewrite them correctly. 


Variant 1

Variant 2

building, mary, ukraine, river, house, cat, fluffy, baba, kirovograd, ann

peter, the uk, country, lake, animal, toto, dorothy, the mississippi, london, the usa

3. The crossword “Clothes”

T: Now, it's time for a crossword. 


Thank you for the lesson!


четвер, 16 квітня 2020 р.

Дистанційне навчання(English)17.04

.Hello pupils, how are you?  Hope you are fine. Today we’ll speak about different clothes

 which we wear  in different weather

1.Open your books and find page 152, ex.1   Write the words with their transcription

  into your vocabularies. And add (додайте) the names  of other clothes too.

Pictures will help you to understand the meaning of these words:

BOOTS                                 [bu:ts]                            чоботи

GLOVES                               [glʌvz]                           перчатки

FUR COAT                          [‘fɜ:’ kǝʊt]                    шуба

UNDERWEAR                    [‘ʌndǝwɛɜ]                    спідня одежа

TIGHTS                                [taits]                             колготи

STOCKINGS                        [‘stɔkiɳz]                     панчохи

COAT                                    [kǝʊt]                          пальто. куртка

RAINCOAT                          [‘reinkǝʊt]                    плащ

HAT                                       [hæt]                            шапка. шляпа

MITTENS                             [‘mitǝnz]                        рукавички

SCARF                                  [ska:f]                           шарф

TROUSERS                          [‘traʊzǝz]                      брюки

SHOES                                  [ʃu:z]                           туфлі

TRAINERS                            [‘treinǝz]                       кросівки

SANDALS                             [‘sændǝlz]                   сандалі, босоніжки

SWEATER                            [‘swetǝ ]                        светер

DRESS                                  {dres]                            сукня

SKIRT                                    {skɜ:t]                          спідниця

SHIRT                                    [ʃɜ:t]                            сорочка

BLOUSE                               [blauz]                           блузка, кофточка

T-SHIRT                               [‘ti:ʃɜ:t]                          футболка

2.Now, listen, point and say  Ex.1a) p.152


3. Look at the  words and pictures and say what things boys wear and what clothes girls wear.

Write  them in two columns: BOYS        GIRLS.  In your exercise books

4.Think and say what clothes you wear every day. And what about your friend?

5. Find Ex. 2a), p.152-153. These are clothes of Jim and Jane. They  wear them in

different seasons of the year .Look at these pictures, find winter and say what clothes Jim

 wears  in winter.

And what about Jane?

6.   Read and answer the questions of Ex 2a),p 152.


4. Ex.2b), p 153 Write the answers in your exercise-books.

Learn the words by heart

Pace work(Word building)17.04

Тема: Семантизація лексики із буквосполученням ll

T: The topic of our lesson is called: The letters ll in the words. We are going to learn how to read the words with the letters ll. Let's get started!


T: Children, look at the card. 

These are ll letters. 

Read the words  on the card.

Now,  you should circle only words with letters ll. 

Variant 1

Variant 2

Ball, call, lemon, lime, small

Bill, till, steal, hill, wheel

Thank you! The lesson is over!

середа, 15 квітня 2020 р.

Pace work(Social studies)16.04

Тема: Школа

T: The topic of our lesson is called “Schools”. We are going to learn new words, to read the story about schools. Let's get started!


T: Look at the pictures and repeat after me: school- школа, rules-правила, responsible-відповідальний, disturb-турбувати, fight-битися, dress code-форма одягу. 


Now, I want you to read the story about schools. Be very attentive because you will do some tasks after reading the story.


  Schools are made for people to teach them. At schools children have different subjects. At schools they learn how to read, write, count and do many other useful things. At every schools there are some rules. Students should be responsible. They should not break the rules. The rules are made to keep children safe. Students must not run or fight. They must not disturb their neighbors at the lessons. They must mind their dress code. Students must be very attentive at the lessons. They must do what teachers ask them to do. It is important for students to be responsible. 

  Post Reading

T: Now, put the right word in the gaps:

1. Schools are made for people to ….them. 

2. At schools children have different …... 

3. At schools they learn how to …., write, …. and do many other useful things. 

4. At every schools there are some ….. 

5. Students should be …..

- What do students study at school?

- What rules are there at schools?

The lesson is over! Thank you!

вівторок, 14 квітня 2020 р.

Pace work(Science)15.04


T: The topic of our lesson is called “Fertilizers”. We are going to learn new words, to read the story about the food for plants and at the end of the lesson you will present your oral reports. Let's get started! 

Let`s learn new words:  seaweeds - водорості, fertilize- добриваr, food - їжа, soдi - грут, put - класти, organic - органічний, chemical - хімічний. 



 There are many plants on the Earth. There are trees and flowers too. All plants need water, light and food. They need water, light and food to grow. Fertilizer is food for plants. Fertilizers help plants to grow. There are many kinds of fertilizers. There are organic and chemical fertilizers. Farmers put fertilizers in the soil to grow beautiful plants. Fertilizers make plants beautiful and strong. Fertilizers are very important. They help plants to grow. 


T: Excellent job! Now, put the right word in the gap:

  1. There are many..... on the Earth.

  2. There are trees and …... too. 

  3. All plants need …., light and …... 

  4. They need water, light and food to ….. 

  5. Fertilizer is …. for plants.

  • What types of fertilizers are there?

  • Why do we need fertilizers?

 Thank you! The lesson is over !

понеділок, 13 квітня 2020 р.

Дистанційне навчання(English)14.04


1.Hello pupils, how are you?  Hope you are fine.

Watch the video and review the words about different seasons and different weather



2. Now, read the questions and   give short answers to them in writing form in your exercise books.

1.How many seasons are there in a year?

2.What are they?

3.What colour are they?

4. In what season is it warm and sunny?

5.When can you make a snowman or play snowballs?

6.When does nature wake up?

When does it often rain?

7.What is your favourite season ?

3.Now open your books, find  Ex.1 and 3, page 149 and  revise the new words from the

previous lesson.

4. Match the words to   their meanings.




a) грім

2. thunder

b) сонячне сяйво

3. rainbow

c) гроза

4. weather  forecast

d)  лід

5. sunshine

e)очікується , збирається


f) райдуга

7.is going to

g) прогноз погоди

5.Translate the sentences  from Ukrainian into  English  and write them in your exercise-books.

1.Літом ми бачимо сонячне сяйво кожного дня, а райдугу  тільки після дощу.

2. Сьогодні очікується дощ.

3. Давайте послухаємо прогноз погоди .

4. Будь обережний. На землі є лід.

5. Я чую грім. Ходімо додому.

6.Find Exercise 3b page 150  Read the text  “ THE WEATHER FORECAST  “ and translate it

7.Find Exercise 4, page 151  Look at the table and the signs of the weather in  the table..

. Read the example of a dialogue about the weather on Sunday. Make up  a dialogue

and write it in your Exercise book.


Do Ex.4, p.150 Read the text again and answer  the questions. Write “Yes” or “ No”

Ex.5,p.151 Make up a dialogue for any day of the week and learn it by heart.

Pace work(English)14.04

Тема: Антоніми


T: At this lesson we are going to learn about the opposites in the English language.  


 Opposites are words which have opposite meanings. Look at the picture of opposites and repeat them after me: far-near,   fat-thin, soft-hard, old-young, tall-short,clean-dirty,shallow-deep,high-low,strong-week,break-fix,hate-love,pretty-ugly


T: Now, it's time for a game. You should  name the word in English and then to say the opposite to this word. Let's start!

 Night                                 Loud   Fast

 Day                                   warm sad

 Wet                                  Fat       Small

Thank you for the lesson!

неділя, 12 квітня 2020 р.

Дистанційне навчання(English)13.04

Theme: Weather and clothes.

Hello,children!How are you?Hope you are fine!No watch the video and sing a song:


2. Now let’s learn new words. Open your vocabularies and write down words  (SB p 149 ):

Ice – лід

Sunshine- сонячне світло

Rainbow – веселка

Thunder – грім

Thunderstorm – гроза

forecast – прогноз 

is going to – буде, щось буде відбуватися

3. SB ex 2, 3a, p 149 – read and translate.

4. WB ex 1,p 85 – match 

5. WB ex 2, p 85 – tick and then write sentences.

6. Time to Play - Час погратися. (Знайди пару. В кінці для перевірки натисни внизу справа на  √ )


HOMEWORK:   Learn new words by heart (вивчи нові слова напам.)

Pace work(Math)13.04

Тема: Конус.

The theme of our lesson is “Cone”. We are going to solve some word problems and do some tasks .

Look at the pictures and name the shapes, please. 

This shape is called a cone.  A cone is a type of geometric shape. There are different kinds of cones. They all have a flat surface on one side that tapers to a point on the other side.

Now, let`s solve word problems.

  1. A fruit vendor bought 45 apples and 60 oranges.How many fruits did he buy?

  2. Julie has 24 cream biscuits and 38 chocolate biscuits. How many biscuits does she have?

  3. Jack and Jill played a balloon shooting game. Jack hit 26 balloons and Jill hit 24 balloons. How many balloons did they hit in total?

Thank you for the lesson!

четвер, 9 квітня 2020 р.

Дистанційне навчання(English)10.04

             Friday, the tenth of April
Theme: Weather and Clothes

1.Hello pupils, how are you?  Hopeyou are fine. Watch the video and sing a song:

2.Now let us see how you have learnt words. (Давайте перевіримо, як ви запам’ятали слова )

 - SB ex 4,p 148 – write the sentences in your exercise-book;
 - WB ex 3,p 84 – complete the sentences

3. Let us review (повторимо) the weather.  Watch the video, listen and sing:


WB ex 4,p 84 – write sentences (напишіть  яку пору року ви любите або не любите і чому, використовуючи зразок і подані слова

Pace work(word building)10.04

Theme:Семантизація лексики із буквосполученням nt

T:The topic of our lesson is called:The letters nt in the words.We are going to learn how to read the words with the letters nt.

1.Фонетична зарядка
T:{c}-what sound is this?-sound k
Read the words with this sound:clean,clam,can.Now repeat the tongue twister:Clean clams crammed in clean cans.

Listen and repeat:

T:Read the words with  nt:ant,antelope,antenna,count,sand

Thank you for the lesson!

середа, 8 квітня 2020 р.

Pace work(Social studies)9.04

Theme:School life

T:Hello,children.The topic of our lesson is School.Lets listen and learn some words connected with our theme:

Т: Children, read carefully and find the
words on topic «My school»
Т: street, tree, pupil, student, school, mother, teacher, classroom,
green, flower, carpet, Reading, English, meet, blackboard, favourite,
book, apple, lesson, comfortable, summer, pen, pencil, floor, desk,
class register, window, nose, neck, headmaster, staff head, song,
game, bed, Maths, homework, uniform, beautiful, join, difficult, gym,
ruler, school bag.
 2. Розкидані речення.

Т: Let`s make up the sentences. (З розкиданих слів складіть та запишіть речення)

school, to, eight, go, at, I, o’clock.
usually, lessons, have, five, We, a, day.
speak, the, read, write, at, lessons, They.
I, school, play, with, my, After, friends.

Thank you for the lesson!

вівторок, 7 квітня 2020 р.

Pace work(Science)8.04


T:The topic of our lesson is sea and the things that we can find there.We are going to learn some words and read the story about the seaweeds.
T:Get ready to read the story about the seaweed.

                          The seaweeds.

There are more than 10.000 varieties of seaweeds.They grow in the world’s saltwater environments.They include three main types:green,brown and red.Green seaweeds prefer shallow water and warm,tropical climates,blue-green live only in salt water,as do brown and red seaweeds.Brown seaweeds are much bigger thanthan the green variety and live at greater depth, while red seaweeds can grow in cold water that is either shallow or deep.All seaweeds need sunlight to survive,so they tend to grow only at the edges of the oceans.
T:Excellent job!Now lets fill in the right word in  the gaps:
1.There are more than 10.000 varieties of…
2.They grow in the worlds …environments.
3.Green seaweeds prefer …water and warm …climates.
4.Blue-green live ony in…water.
5.All seaweeds need…to survive.

Thank you for the lesson!

понеділок, 6 квітня 2020 р.

Pace work(English)7.04


Prepositions are short words(on,in,to)that usually stand in front of nouns.Look at the picture and repeat:
Thank you for the lesson!

Дистанційне навчання(English)7.04

Theme: Weather and Clothes

1.Hello pupils, how are you?  Hope(сподіваюся) you are great))Watch a video and sing along:

2.Now let us practise  sound /w/ ( попрактикуємозвук) :

W  / W/

winter, wind-вітер, windy-вітряно, wet-мокрий,сирий, warm[w ɔ: m] теплий,  weather, Wednesday

Watch a video, listen and repeat:

3. Let us review (повторимо) the seasons.Watch a video, listen and repeat:

Answer the questions orally:
- What season is it now?
- What are spring months (веснянімісяці)?
- What month is it now?
-What is your favourite season?

Do exercise 2 p. 83 in your Workbooks.
Great job👌

4. It`s time (Час) to open your books at page 140. Find (Знайди) exercise 2. Listen to Track 131, repeat,read and translate.
Track 131
Correct the mistake in ex.2 p 146 :No, I am not. No, I`m not.


Do ex.3 p.147 - write ONLY (лише)  yes/no.

пʼятниця, 3 квітня 2020 р.

Дистанційне навчання(English)6.04

Theme: Weather and Clothes

1.Hello pupils, how are you?  Hope(сподіваюся) you are great))Watch a video and sing along:


    *early in the morning [ 3:li ] рано вранці

    * shout [ ʃaʋt] кричати

2.Now let us practise some sounds( попрактикуємо звуки). 


ir     / 3:/


burn-горіти, пекти (боліти)



herb-рослина, трава

herd- стадо

Watch a video, listen and repeat:


Great job👌

 3.What`s the weather like today? Look through the window and answer the question orally(усно):

 Watch a video and sing along:


*fly a kite- запускати повітряного змія

*puddles- калюжі

*everyone- усі

*clear up- розпогодитися, очистити

*catch- ловити

* snowflake- сніжинка

* tongue- язик

 4. Now look at ex. 1 p. 146 in your Student`s Book. Listen to Track 130, repeat, write down the words into your vocabularies.

 Track 130


5. Do exercise 1 p.83 in your Workbooks


Learn the words in ex. 1 p. 146 by heart

Theme: Weather and Clothes

1.Hello pupils, how are you?  Hope(сподіваюся) you are great))Watch a video and sing along:

    *early in the morning [ 3:li ] рано вранці
    * shout [ ʃaʋt] кричати

2.Now let us practise some sounds( попрактикуємозвуки).
ir     / 3:/

burn-горіти, пекти (боліти)
herb-рослина, трава

Watch a video, listen and repeat:

Great job👌

3.What`s the weather like today? Look through the window and answer the question orally(усно):
 Watch a video and sing along:

*fly a kite- запускатиповітряногозмія
*puddles- калюжі
*everyone- усі
*clear up- розпогодитися, очистити
*catch- ловити
* snowflake-сніжинка
* tongue-язик

 4. Now look at ex. 1 p. 146 in your Student`s Book. Listen to Track 130, repeat, write down the words into your vocabularies.
 Track 130

5. Do exercise 1 p.83 in your Workbooks

Learn the words in ex. 1 p. 146 by heart

Pace work(Math)6.04

Тема:Порядкові числівники(Ordinal numbers)

T:What number do we call ordinal?
An Ordinal Number is a number that tells the position of something in a list, such as 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th etc.t

Most ordinal numbers end in "th" except for:
Lets practice to read:



















